
Castle Randal
The snow had drifted in the courtyard, making piles taller than Aliana herself. The stablemen had cleared only enough space for the horses to be brought out safely, but it still required the guards and riders to trudge through snow up past their ankles. Aliana's boots were leather lined in fur and had thankfully not soaked through on the walk out through the courtyard. It would be a long, hard journey, and did not need to be made worse from cold wet feet.

The area was lit by torches, the snowdrifts alternating between black, white, and molten gold from the way the shadows cast and how brightly the lights shone. It was silent but for the whistle of the wind and the movements of the horses in place.

Derrick tightened his grip on her arm. Even through her heavy cloak it nearly hurt, but Aliana forced herself not to wince.The cold had left her rather numb besides.

Two guards watched the courtyard gates while a third stood beside the horses. He was speaking with William, faces lit by the surrounding torches. As Aliana approached, she saw William's hood was down, the snow settling in his hair and melting on his face. He looked haggard already.

The horses were saddled and each carried a large saddlebag on each side, but nothing else; there would be no livery on their mounts.

"Your Grace," the guard said, noticing Derrick and Aliana's approach over William's shoulder. Both men turned to face them, bowing to Derrick, nodding respectfully to the king's sister.

Aliana watched William closely, her stomach hot and anxious. You must trust him with your life, she told herself. She loved her brother's best friend as a brother too, but he was not Derrick, who had always protected her. He was not her family, and never would be. She did not want to leave the real thing for a substitute.

"You must ride hard and fast to Varenne first. It will buy you time," Derrick said to William. The other guard had backed away, and Derrick still did not let up on Aliana's arm. "I will handle my uncles where that is concerned. Just keep her safe."

He turned to his sister, face half in shadow in the torchlight. Derrick placed on hand on each of his sister's arms, holding her in front of him. "I have faith in you. If anything should happen to me..."

"It won't," Aliana assured him with a tenuous smile.

Derrick smiled wanly, pulling Aliana into his arms. "But if it does," the king said, spoken against her hood, "you must get to one of our palaces immediately, and install yourself as queen. I will have the Varenese army on your side, and they will protect you if our own cannot."

He then withdrew, and touched his sister's face with his gloved hands. "You are my heir not because I have no sons, but because I trust you above anyone, Aliana. Do not let me be wrong."

"You're not wrong," Aliana replied quietly, stepping forward and kissing her brother on the cheek, stubbly and wind-chapped.

Aliana turned then to William, standing close to the horses a few paces away. She went toward him, and he was swift and effective in pushing her up to mount her horse. From her position high in the saddle, Aliana watched her brother and William exchange looks and few words, ones she could not hear, before William too mounted up.